New Design 50% off @ BMe.

Just in time for summer a beautiful and versatile Victorian Dress in black with the most brilliant red and black bustle. This dress is made with a rigged  mesh skirt in 3 sizes, plus flixy prim skirt to add motion. It can be worn with or without jacket.  Comes with everything you need including boots and choker. you’ll find a re-sizeable mesh waist band to ensure a smooth edge between the mesh skirt and the avatar’s body.hat 1880's-Day-Dress

July Group gift @BMe!

It’s the first week of July and we at BMe have placed out new GIFTS for all the groups at BlueMoon enterprise.

Solas has a new design, a modesty top for Lady Rhiannon.

Modesty-TopMembers of the BMe group will be able to get the beautiful “Lady Lavinia Dusk” dress. AND Through the blue door at the landing point, take a trip to the rez platform to receive the lovely Medieval House 2. 2LadyL-touchdusk BM-3020Members of the Gothic, Gorean, Medieval  RolePlay Group (GGMRG) can find the wonderful “Lady Night Blood and Black.”Lady-Night-blood-and-black-pic

Members of the Victorian Shopkeepers Association will be able to get the NEW “Victorian Dress –Pink.”Victorian-Dress-Pink


Members of the Simple the Best group will be able to get the NEW “Lady Rhiannon Modesty top” for only 60L$

Members of Fashion Trend Group has a cute modern dress waiting for them, “Summer Fun.”  summer-fun-ad

Take this LM to Creations for Parkinson’s & grab the beautiful Mer outfits, Then take a deep dive into the wonderful underwater world there. (100% goes to Team Fox for Parkinson’s Research)Man-of-the-SEA Lady-of-the-SEAPlease have a wonderful July!